Kindle Unlimited new payment plan for authors

The Cautious Heart 5.5x8.5inches (2)Her_Foolish_Heart_Regency_Romance_ebookfinal mysterious masq 5.5x8.5inch

A Match of Hearts Regency Romance 5.5x8 copy.5inch

Gamble with Hearts 5.5x8.5inch






It isn’t often that royalty payments make the news unless it’s a million dollar advance to a fledgling author. But Amazon’s new payment plan for their authors has made it to the mainstream news media. And, as always happens with any news story you happen to know anything about, it is apparent the media have got it hopelessly wrong.

However, that is nothing compared to the wars now raging among Amazon’s authors. Many are threatening to pull out of the Kindle Unlimited (KU) programme. A classic example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Under the current system authors whose books are borrowed under the KU subscription service receive a payment when 10% of the book is read. The payment changes monthly according to the number of borrows over the entire programme, but the author gets the same amount for the book whether it is 10 pages long or 500 pages long. Now many authors of short works insist that just as much work goes into 10 good pages as 500 trashy pages. It’s a valid point of view. However, quite a lot of scam artists have been throwing any old rubbish up on Kindle in the hope that the reader will hit 10% before they realise they’ve been had. Manifestly unfair.

The new idea is to pay authors of e-books borrowed  by pages read. So if you have a 250 page book you might get 1 cent a page, thus $2.50 royalty payment for your book if the reader makes it all the way through to the end. I like this idea and have faith that my readers do read all the way through to the end. Therefore all my books are now available to borrow under the Kindle Unlimited subscription programme. You can, of course, still buy and download in the regular way. Whether you borrow or buy, I hope you enjoy!

Historical Romance

Dangerous Escapade

Loving Hearts Series: Regency Romances for All Ages

The Cautious Heart
Gamble With Hearts
Her Foolish Heart
A Match of Hearts: A Regency Romance

The Masquerade Series (over 18)

Mysterious Masquerade (A Regency Masquerade)
Moonlight Masquerade (Regency Masquerade)
Merry Masquerade (A Regency Masquerade)
Magical Masquerade: A Regency Masquerade

Mermaid Fantasy

Tides of Fire: The Rebellion