Mysterious Masquerade

mysterious masq 5.5x8.5inch2Everyone loves a rogue and Mysterious Masquerade has more loveable rogues than you can shake a stick at! My hero, Tristan, Duke of Staynes, is Darcy with a dash of James Bond; but my heroine, Angel Graham, is no Miss Moneypenny. She is more than capable of holding her own in the murky world of espionage, just as she can adorn a ton party and play a nifty game of Vingt-et-Un.

Angel is one of my favourite heroines. As a reader on Amazon has said: I particularly liked Angelica, as she was strong and definitely no damsel in distress. Even Tristan recognized that she was strong when one of the bad characters attempted to use Angelica as a shield and Tristan just looked over and knew that Angelica had things under control.

Mysterious Masquerade is another novel that started life many years ago. I began it in California in 1993 if memory serves. I finished about half of it but life issues intruded. We moved house, then country and by the time I picked it up again I was involved with other projects. I always promised myself I would finish it someday and when I embarked on my Masquerade series I realised this one, with a little adjustment, would fit perfectly.